This piece is from personal development coach, Brendan Burchard (author of High Performance Habits) and I have used aspects of this to help start my day and keep me on track. I think you will quickly understand how much time we actually give away during the day, week and month in a time when we say that we are busy and “do not have the time” to do the things that “we want to accomplish”.

His formula is quite simple:
Dreams > (Drama + Distractions + Discouragement).
He explains in this article what the FORMULA means.


You need to focus on the dreams you’re already living now, and give more time to envisioning and BUILDING the future you dream of.

You must give more TIME AND ATTENTION to building your dream life than you’re giving to DRAMA in life. (Your dramas, your immediate circle’s dramas, as well as those played out in the news and social media)…

You need to focus on your DREAMS wayyyyy more than you give your time to endless DISTRACTIONS (there is a reason they call it the “endless scroll”).

You need to focus on your DREAMS and reaching for them WAYYY more than you spend time in a DISCOURAGED mindset or emotional reality.

Yes, you can feel discouraged, but you can’t live from that.

You have to train your mind to sense and release the emotions of discouragement and return your focus and presence to where it belongs.

You need to live from, and into, your purpose, your dreams, your becoming.

If you spend LESS TIME on your dreams than you spend on all of life’s dramas, distractions, and discouragements, then you’ll BE STUCK.

I think so many people are breaking this formula. They allow (and create) so much drama in their lives through gossip, getting personally offended by small things, perpetuating mean behavior, etc.

They spend over an hour a day scrolling on social media, mindlessly. Not as creators but as just passive consumers disconnected from the reality they could be building.


ONE HOUR of social media consumption per day is 7HRS/week, which is basically a FULL WORK DAY on your dream life, lost, every week.

That means every month, you’re losing FOUR potential FULL WORKDAYS. Over 3 months, that’s 12 DAYS.

Over a year, that’s 48 DAYS that could have been FULL WORK DAYS or JOY DAYS or VACATION DAYS….

48 full work days LOST to social media. 

Now multiply that by 2, which is the national average.
People are losing almost 100 potential 7-hr workdays / vacation days / passion days per year by scrolling for 2hrs/day. It’s the real epidemic. 
They lose too many days, too, in negative emotions.

Often, it’s the real DISCOURAGEMENT that comes from failure or embarrassment or lack of momentum and good habits.

Hey – we’ve ALL been there.

I don’t think being discouraged, or experiencing any uncomfortable, down, or “negative” emotions is “bad.” It’s part of the struggle of life. 

But I would say discouragement is the dominant emotion of North America right now… for two years running.
And it’s limiting our mental health, our progress, our opportunities to earn, build, create, innovate, drive, change. We have to learn to deal with it better, and to generate the thoughts, feelings and lives we desire. That’s the stuff of personal development.

I know that this somehow paints a BLEAK picture.
But as a coach, I’m trying to help people become aware of just how much the drama, distraction and discouragement is stealing from their lives.

And I’m trying to ANCHOR IN just how important it is to focus on your FUTURE, to spend more time thinking and dreaming and envisioning, to spend more time manifesting and making it happen and spending your time in positive states of becoming your best self and creating your future… versus scrolling or losing hours to dwelling on what’s wrong or all the other drama-focused nonsense of modern media.

I want you in a GREAT MINDSET to finish this year strong.
I want you tap back into the awe and wonders of this world and what’s really possible for you.
I want you to experience the freedom of living your dreams.
I want you to win.

I want you to lock in and realize the STUNNING NUMBER OF HOURS you actually have available to you to dream, create, do, build, love, to ENJOY THIS LIFE.
Get around positive people.
Keep doing your personal development work.
We can fix this formula.

We can LIVE OUR DREAMS AND BUILD INTO GREATER DREAMS. We can become so extraordinary.

We can deeply enjoy this moment and day, and still desire and strive for a great future. We can be so grateful for life even as we strive to unlock potential. Every day we can build our dream. Every day you can GROW.

DR. RICK: I include this article as part of our well-being because Mind and Body are ONE. The health of the body impacts the mind and vice-versa, so we want to address the physical and mental-emotional.

Only you can change your habits and when you start to put more value on your own goals in life than becoming part of other people’s lives (think scrolling through apps like FaceBook, Instagram or X formerly known as Twitter) or agendas first thing in the morning, you will start to see how this can positively impact your own morning routine and daily habits.