Detoxification & Nutritional Program for Health & Weight Management

I have been using this in my own clinic and personal life since 2006. Here is a quick overview of the program. Please note that you may have to go to You Tube to watch this link.

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“For years I was trying to lose those extra pounds through exercise and eating well, but could never get below that threshold. This program was easier than I thought and the results were amazing, I’ve had a lot of compliments and questions about what I did.”…..D.G.,Toronto

“I am down 25 pounds and my running times have improved where I am easily preparing for the Hamilton Marathon in early November. The program has changed my eating habits and allowed me to continue to train without losing strength.”……Dr. Raymond Lee, D.C., Pickering (post-race addendum – improved his marathon time by 22 minutes!)

“I’ve lost the sugar cravings, I sleep more soundly and I am much more focused on the cleanse days”….J.L., Toronto

“I was able to weight train and despite a negative caloric intake I was able to put on lean muscle while losing the fat. The amazing part was that it was easy to do, when usually it is a struggle to eat while preparing for a competition.”…..M.C. female body builder, Toronto

“I’ve never been this lean during my entire adult life”….T.M., Toronto

For more information about the Detoxification & Nutritional Program supervised by Dr. Rick, please go to

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